Presidential Archives

Tragic South Asia Earthquake

October 12, 2005, Ithaca, NY

The Cornell community expresses our deepest sympathy to those whose lives were devastated by the earthquake in the Kashmir region on the border of Pakistan and India on October 9, 2005. We mourn together with the millions of people who lost family members, friends, and livelihoods in this catastrophe.

On our campus, Brendan O’Brien, Director of the International Students and Scholars Office, has now contacted all of our international students and scholars from the region. His office is committed to providing assistance to any members of the Cornell community in need of support. The daunting challenges of relief and reconstruction in the region have elicited a worldwide response from individuals, organizations, and governments. It is in the finest tradition of Cornell University for us to participate in this important undertaking. Those who are seeking to become involved might wish to consult our web site’s listing of organizations that have taken leadership roles in the humanitarian efforts. I commend the many Cornell students, faculty, staff, and graduates who have contributed expertise, time, and financial resources to helping the victims of this tragedy rebuild their lives and their communities, as well as those who are studying what we might learn from this experience to reduce the dangers associated with earthquakes and tsunamis in the future. News service website for relief efforts:

South Asia Earthquake disaster response

Contact information for International Students and Scholar Office:

Brendan O’Brien, Director
B-50 Caldwell Hall
[email protected]